At the moment I'm getting into AngularJS, a JavaScript Web-Framework from Google. Check out my work so far and visit my 2 test websites

First steps - AngularJS Tutorial

So far I implemented the original phonecat tutorial from angularjs which is available at I amended it in a way so it shows some of my projects, articles and Tips & Tricks. It also lets you filter the list of topics by category. Checkout my version of the AngularJS tutorial at

Rewrite of an old jQuery / ZEND project

Currently I'm rewriting an old website of mine which was originally written with jQuery and Zend a PHP MVC Framework. You can find the original project at The new version with AngularJS is available at The site uses Bootstrap and claims to be smart device friendly or responsive.

Cordova / Phonegap

Among with AngularJS for me it was obvious getting in touch with Cordova for mobile device development. Soon you can find my first projects here

My skill sheet

If this is interesting for you, you also might like to visit my skill sheet with other interesting skills


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